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2019-01-29 05:19 来源:互联网综合 编辑:WBYUN

韦潇,Xiao Wei,2003年中国科学技术大学少年班系本科毕业,2010年获美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)物理学博士学位。2012年至今担任美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院施奈德创业研究中心(Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)访问学者。过去多年致力于微观经济学理论的研究,研究课题涵盖未定权益理论,偏好改变理论,不确定环境下的效用函数理论等领域。研究成果在American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, the Economic Journal等经济学期刊发表。


Kubler, Felix, Larry Selden and Xiao Wei, 'What Are Asset Demand Tests of Expected Utility Really Testing?Economic Journal, 127(601), 784-808 (2017).

Kannai, Yakar, Larry Selden, Minwook Kang and Xiao Wei, 'Risk Neutrality Regions,' Journal of Mathematical Economics, 62, 75-89 (2016).

Selden, Larry and Xiao Wei, 'Changing Tastes and Effective Consistency,' Economic Journal, 126(595), 1912-1946 (2016).

Kannai, Yakar, Larry Selden and Xiao Wei, 'Myopic Separability,' Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 103, 125-144 (2014).

Kubler, Felix, Larry Selden and Xiao Wei, 'Asset Demand Based Tests of Expected Utility Maximization,' American Economic Review, 104(11), 3459-3480 (2014).

Kubler, Felix, Larry Selden and Xiao Wei, 'When Is a Risky Asset Urgently Needed?' American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 6(2), 131-162 (2014).

Kubler, Felix, Larry Selden and Xiao Wei, 'Inferior Good and Giffen Behavior for Investing and Borrowing,' American Economic Review, 103(2), 1034-1053 (2013).
