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2019-03-23 17:16 来源:互联网综合 编辑:WBYUN


  在美国,绝大多数一流的学校在研究生申请中要求学生提交GRE成绩,而GRE Sub 对于硕士项目的申请却不是必须的。在申请的过程中,很多时候GRE 成绩被作为拒绝申请者的理由。差的GRE 成绩可以将申请者拒之门外,但是特别高的GRE 成绩也不能足够来保证录取。如果申请者在GRE的数学部分能够取得满分,那是很有利的。申请者如果要申请工程专业或者其他应用到数学知识的专业,那建议GRE数学部分至少得考到750以上。无论如何,数学部分的成绩最少得保证在700。至于GRE的写作部分的成绩,如果分数低于3.5,那这往往也会成为拒掉申请者的理由。录取委员会对国际学生的Verbal 部分会相对宽容一些,但还是强烈建议至少得取得500的分数。一份好的GRE 成绩会对申请者起到一定的作用,特别是对于那些并非来自录取委员会熟悉的学校。如果GRE 分数太低,即使你在大学期间有不错的GPA成绩也不能说服录取委员会,因为这会让录取委员会质疑你本科学校的质量。另一方,优秀的GRE成绩也是进一步支撑申请者的证明,而且可以向录取委员会证明申请者高GPA的获得并非侥幸,并非是因为学校的竞争力不够强。

  如若GRE这三部分的分数比例都不理想,这会大大降低被录取的胜算。然而,如若申请者其他方面都不错,只是其中某部分分数不高,尤其是Verbal 和写作部分,那这还是可以被忽略的,


  PS: 以下是摘录的原文:

  By Karthik Raghunathan “Demystifying the American Graduate Admissions Process”

  “The GRE General Test, conducted by ETS is a requirement for most of the top schools. However, the GRE Subject Test is usually optional for a Masters application. The GRE scores are mostly used as a negative filter for rejecting candidates. A poor GRE score can get the candidate rejected, but an exceptionally high GRE score will still not be enough (by itself) to guarantee him/her an admit. Candidates with full (or almost full) marks in the quantitative section are viewed favourably. It is recommended to have at least 750/800 when applying to graduate studies in engineering or any field involving math. At any rate, one should definitely ensure a score of 700/800 or above in the quantitative section. A low score (3.5/6.0 or less) in the analytical writing (AWA) section can also be looked at as a cause for concern. The committee can be a bit more forgiving with the verbal section, especially for international students, but it would still be highly advisable to be get at least 500/800.

  A great GRE score will help the candidate a lot, especially if he/she comes from a lesser known university that the committee has not heard of. In spite of a good academic track record in such a college, it might be tough to convince the committee if the GRE score is low, since it casts suspicions on the overall quality of the candidate's undergraduate college. A good GRE score, on the other hand, provides further evidence in support of the candidate and assures the committee that the high GPA is not merely a fluke due to studying in a rather uncompetitive college.

  A consistently bad percentile in each of the three GRE sections definitely stacks the odds against the candidate. However, a slip up in one of the sections (especially if it is the Verbal or the AWA section) can be overlooked, provided the rest of his/her profile is genuinely good.”




  PS: 以下是摘录的原文:

  By Karthik Raghunathan “Demystifying the American Graduate Admissions Process”

  TOEFL, an English proficiency test which is also conducted by ETS is usually a requirement for all international students applying for graduate studies in the United States. However, the TOEFL score hardly carries any weightage (in fact, might even be neglected altogether) as far as the admission decision is concerned. If the university has clearly spelled out a cut off (sectional or aggregate) for the TOEFL score on its website, it is then necessary to just clear that cut off, but the actual score (be it 120/120 or 100/120) does not matter. It would almost never be the case that a candidate is rejected only on the grounds of having a poor TOEFL score. In some cases, when the TOEFL score is low and rest of the application is strong, the candidate might be given admission, but asked to take an English proficiency class and/or pass an additional English test after joining the university.
