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英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!

2018-12-20 11:14 来源:互联网综合 作者:佚名

蓝留学|英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!

2018-10-30 12:12 来源:蓝留学 专业 /大学 /成绩

原标题:蓝留学|英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!

英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!

Teesside University 提赛德大学

University in running for national enterprise award

Teesside has been shortlisted for a major national award in recognition of the work it has done to promote entrepreneurship and enterprise. The University is a finalist in the Outstanding Entrepreneurial University category of the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2018.


The Outstanding Entrepreneurial University category is for institutions which have developed and delivered an exceptional approach to embedding entrepreneurship within their culture and programmes, demonstrating a significant impact at regional, national or international level.


Teesside University has been shortlisted for the award as a result of the success of its enterprise engine Launchpad.


Pro Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise & Business Engagement), Professor Jane Turner OBE DL, said: 'We are delighted to have received this plaudit. It is a testament to the inspiration and dedication of our staff, and the talent and entrepreneurial spirit of our student and graduate entrepreneurs.'

公司副总裁简·特纳(Jane Turner OBE DL)教授说:“我们很高兴收到这样的表扬。这也是归功于我们员工的永远激励和奉献的精神,以及我们大学毕业生的才华和企业家创业精神。

英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!

据Bridge Blue China 蓝留学的小编了解,


“动漫和游戏”专业位于全球排名前20位(Animation Career Review & 3D Review)


机械工程全英排名第11位 (卫报)

生物科学全英排名第18位 (卫报)

设计专业全英排名前20位 (卫报)

艺术专业全英排名第12名 (卫报)

媒体专业全英排名第8位, 东北部排名第1(卫报)

Advantage Degree Course (Design)-优势专业介绍之设计类

Ø Our subject rankings and recognition

• 2015 100% of Product Design students were satisfied with their course


in the top 11 for Art & Design in the UK


英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!

D&AD (Design and Art Direction)

Student Awards

A leading creative communications

Programme with a national and

International reputation

英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!


International Society of Typographic


Ø The Learning Experience 设计课程学习的方式包括

Project-based learning 通过具体的实践项目学习

Regular portfolio reviews 定期的作品审核评估

Tutors with specialist expertise 导师们的专家级别辅导

Professionals visits 职业参观拜访


Design groups 设计团队

Publishing | magazine groups 出版/杂志团队

Brand agencies 品牌广告中介

Illustration agencies 插画中介

Galleries | museums 画廊/博物馆)

Live projects with industry 行业内真实的项目锻炼 (Local | National | International)

Educational visits 出国采风学习(New York | Prague | London | Berlin)

据Bridge Blue China 蓝留学的小编了解,

设计类课程优势 Advantage

1. 24 hour access to studios


2. Free materials for model making

免费提供模型制作材料 ;

3. No need to book access to workshops


4. Open door policy for all students


5. Staff student ratios 20-1 Good access to staff


6. Single Building facilities for all design programmes- studios/workshops/CAD labs

独立的学院教学楼为所有的设计类课程提供:-工作室/车间/ CAD实验室

7. Open plan studios and no classroom teaching


8. Competition wins and commendations in D&AD and ISTD design competitions (Graphic Design)


9. Alumni in key positions in global automotive and industrial design industry- Teague, Aston Martin, Ford, JLR

提赛德校友在全球汽车和工业设计行业中的重要职位——包括Teague、Aston Martin、福特、JLR;

10. Interior Design is recognised by The Society of British and International Design.


11. Our alumnus, Diana Cellela, is President of the Society of British and International Design

我们的提赛德大学校友Diana Cellela是英国室内设计协会(SIBD)主席;

12. Where possible ALL students are interviewed and their portfolios assessed for entry to courses


13. 99% of students applying are accepted without the need for foundation course


14. All courses have an integrated Foundation programme


15. Graduate Showcase and Exhibition will be provided


Design Degree Courses 设计的专业课程

英国提赛德大学 设计专业详解和那些明星校友们!


Graphic Design and Illustration 平面设计和插图设计

Interior Architecture and Design 室内建筑和设计

Interior Design 室内设计

Product Design and Creative Innovation 产品设计和创意创新

Textile Design 纺织品设计

Design for Creative Industries 创意行业的设计

Fashion 时尚

Fashion Buying and Merchandising 时尚买手和销售 (该专业不需要作品集)

Fashion Communication and Promotion 时尚传播和推广


These are all available as 1 year programmes OR as 2 year programmes with Advanced Practice, both with September or January starts


Postgraduate (研究生设计类专业课程)

Digital Arts and Design 数字艺术和设计

Future Design 未来设计

Alumni Story- 提赛德毕业生
